Care Instructions


Blackened Silver (oxidised)

If the silver of your piece is dark in colour then the surface has been chemically blackened with an oxide, also known as a patina. Do not attempt to clean it using a silver cloth or silver dip as this will remove the patina to reveal the bright silver beneath and change the look of the piece. Instead you can remove any dirt using warm, soapy water then rinse thoroughly. Dry with a clean cloth or kitchen towel and finish with a hairdryer if necessary.

Over time and with wear you will notice that the surface gradually becomes brighter, especially on corners and edges. This is normal and to be expected.

Bright Silver

If the silver of your piece is bright white (not oxidised) then it may discolour over time due to atmospheric conditions. This is known as tarnishing. You can remove the tarnish by rubbing gently with a silver cloth. Alternatively you can submerge the piece into silver dip until the tarnish is gone, usually in about 30 seconds. Be careful not to leave your piece in the dip for more than a minute - it’s best to stay with it. Afterwards rinse thoroughly in cold water, dry with a clean cloth or kitchen towel then use a hairdryer if necessary.

Silver cloths and silver dip can be purchased at most hardware stores and major supermarkets.


If you are experiencing problems then you can contact Jane for advice and if necessary return your piece to be reconditioned in the workshop. This will involve restoring the piece with its original finish, whether bright or oxidised.

Dos and Don’ts

  • Remove jewellery when bathing, showering or swimming as water and chemicals (especially chlorine) can encourage silver to tarnish.

  • Chemicals in make-up, hair spray, scent and moisturisers can also affect the beauty and shine of your jewellery, so apply these before wearing your jewellery.

  • Remove jewellery when doing household tasks such as cleaning, playing sport or other strenuous activities since jewellery may become scratched or harmed by sharp blows.

  • Do not wear your jewellery whilst on the beach or sunbathing as sand can damage the surface finish.

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